The Fostinum

The collector is the true resident of the interior.  The collector dreams his way not only into a distant or bygone world but also into a better one. 

                                                                                              - Walter Benjamin

Czech Cubist architecture was an architectural movement in the area that is now the Czech Republic which started around 1912 as an offshoot of the Czech cubist movement, which was brought to Prague by Czech artists living in Paris.  The movement started with a more traditional cubism (shown above in the pictures of the Ostrava crematorium, the Dablice cemetery, and the Grand Cafe Orient in Prague) and then evolved in "rondocubism," which was a nationalist response to traditional cubism that became popular after the independence of Czechoslovakia from the Austro-Hungarian empire.  For pictures of Czech cubist interiors, see my page with more images.

Czech Cubist Architecture

Nadar - Georges Sand, albumen printNadar - Alexandre Dumas, albumen printNadar - Victor Hugo, in memoriam, albumen printNadar - Self-portrait (Publicity photo to raise funds for Le Géant), albumen printNadar - Hot air balloons, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt in Tosca, 1882, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt as Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc), 1889, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt, 1890, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt as Gismonda, albumen printNadar - Edmond de Goncourt