The Fostinum

The collector is the true resident of the interior.  The collector dreams his way not only into a distant or bygone world but also into a better one. 

                                                                                              - Walter Benjamin

Jindřich Eckert is perhaps the most well-known of all 19th century Czech photographers.  Between 1863 and 1876, Eckert operated a photography studio in Prague with Julius Muller.  After that, he bought out his partner and named the studio solely after himself.  He operated the studio until 1905, when his daughter Ludmila took over its operation.  He is best known for his portraits of 19th century Czech society, some of which you see above.  He also produced commercial photography, including the above photographs which were used as advertisements for cafes and hotels in Prague.

Eckert, Jindřich (Heinrich)

Nadar - Georges Sand, albumen printNadar - Alexandre Dumas, albumen printNadar - Victor Hugo, in memoriam, albumen printNadar - Self-portrait (Publicity photo to raise funds for Le Géant), albumen printNadar - Hot air balloons, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt in Tosca, 1882, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt as Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc), 1889, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt, 1890, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt as Gismonda, albumen printNadar - Edmond de Goncourt