The collector is the true resident of the interior.  The collector dreams his way not only into a distant or bygone world but also into a better one. 

                                                                                              - Walter Benjamin

Trude Fleischmann

Trude Fleischmann was an Viennese photographer of Jewish descent, who was one of the early pioneers of women in photography in Europe.  In Austria, she was known as the "photographer of the famous," which included numerous celebrities of stage, film, and dance.  She is perhaps best known for her portraits which use a slight soft focus.  In 1938, she fled the Anschluss as the Nazis took over Austria and fled to Paris, London, and then to New York in 1940, where she reestablished her photo studio. 

The Fostinum

Nadar - Georges Sand, albumen printNadar - Alexandre Dumas, albumen printNadar - Victor Hugo, in memoriam, albumen printNadar - Self-portrait (Publicity photo to raise funds for Le Géant), albumen printNadar - Hot air balloons, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt in Tosca, 1882, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt as Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc), 1889, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt, 1890, albumen printNadar - Sarah Bernhardt as Gismonda, albumen printNadar - Edmond de Goncourt